Thursday, June 26, 2008

The varied topography of Washington State

If there is a perfect way to see the state of Washington, riding on a bike would be it. In the past few days, I've seen mountains, hills, plains, farmland, desert, rock formations, and forests. I have spent miles riding along the Columbia River, hearing the gentle roll of the cool water, and I have spent miles seeing nothing but desert brush. I had NO CLUE Washington State was so beautiful.

This trip is not only allowing me to see the beauty on the ground, but I have spent much time in reflection. Sometimes it gets so quiet that I could hear the leaves whistling in the wind and the the electricity buzzing in the lines. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my entire life. I thank God every time I get a tailwind, every time a get a downhill, and every time I sleep in a tent with no rain.

There is something so peaceful about living a life so simply. We sleep in tents, use no motors to get from one point to another, and have very limited to cell access wherever we go. It's really nice stepping away from the TV, cell phone, traffic, and hectic schedule kept by a job seeking babysitter in cycling training.

The trip is not all peachy keen though. Our bums are sore and we had lots of wind on second night, so it was hard to sleep. We get unlimited PB&Js to munch on throughout the day, and sometimes that just doesn't hit the spot. Tan lines are already getting pretty ridiculous; I have one on the middle of each thigh and it looks like I'm wearing my sunglasses even when I take them off. I guess it will only get more interesting from here.

Today, on the ride from Odessa to Spokane, I took my first spill. Letty put me on camera duty for the day. I wanted to get a picture of the Odessa sign, but I didn't want to stop, so I pulled the camera out while riding. I needed to slow down, so I reached for the brake with my left hand. Next thing I know, I flipped over my handle bars, Letty and her bike fly over me. I came away fine, just a few scratches on my shine and bruises up and down my left leg. I thought I had given Letty a concussion because she came up grabbing the side of her face. She got a little scratched on her shoulder and her cheek, but no broken bones, so our first crash together was a pretty tame one. CRISIS AVERTED.

The group is coming together smoothly. Each night is spent having a couple beers and sharing life stories. There is such a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds. I couldn't imagine having a more perfect dynamic, from the 19-year-old gal doing the ride alone to the 67-year-old doctor doing it with his niece. This group is perfection!

All in all, life is good, I'm only slightly sore, and I think I can make the little over 3,000 miles left.



Troy and Beth said...

Glad you liked WA...we love it here. Congrats on taking on this adventure...we'll be checking in to see how it is going. (My dad is the old guy *grin name is Bruce and my cousin is Kathy.)


Anonymous said...

Hey Catie, sounds like you are on an amazing adventure. Do you go through Minnesota at all? Let me know if you do because I might be there. I would at least be able to provide a free meal, and a shower if you were near St. Paul.

Keep up the great work!

Karen Mahowald :-)
ps ND is really flat...