Thursday, June 26, 2008

First Day of Riding...Seattle to Easton

Waking up at 5AM has never been a high priority of mine, but you do what you have to do in order to get our ride on. Getting onto the bike for the first time since DC was a little interesting, but I got the hang of it in the the first half mile.

The start of the ride was celebrated by presenting a check to members of the American Lung Association. Riders as a whole raised over $250,000 for lung research, cancer prevention and treatment. Even if I never made it one mile, it would be worth the trip seeing how grateful these individuals are.

We shot out of Seattle on the Burke Gilman Trail - similar to trails in DC, so I was ready to roll. Then the climb came - climbing the Cascades via Snoqualmie Pass. Riders from last year's ride rode with us today; they were a large help in calming nerves and answering questions. If I ever thought I couldn't make it all the way until DC, I now have full confidence I can make it through no problem. Apparently last year, there was some 65-year-old woman who had only ridden her bike 40 miles total before doing the ride. If she can make it, so can I.

I had a little bit of trouble climbing the long climb, but after a few pointers from seasoned riders, I made it to the Summit. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! There was snow on the ground! I could hardly believe it. Three days previous, I was standing in 101 degree weather in the humidity of DC; now I was at the top of a mountain in the middle of Washington State. I could hardly believe my eyes.

All downhill until we reached camp and set up our tents for the first time on the trip. I FINALLY figured out how to put the fly on my tent, so no more worries in that department. The riders from last year cooked dinner for us. Their company and fond memories gave this year's riders just the inspiration and excitement we needed on the first day of riding.

89 miles....done.

1 comment:

dscottphx said...

Catie, Good to meet you today. Hope you enjoyed the pie. Come to Phoenix sometime. Then you can see what its really like to ride in the HEAT! Seriously, let us know if you are ever in the area.